How It Works

Select the component to learn more
Visualizing Data

The Data Portal allows you to view a list of your Plants and TreeTags, and to download sensor data from one or more of them for a designated time span. For example, perhaps you’d like to see data from Sensors 1, 3, and 7 over the last 10 days? This data is easily downloaded for further visualization and comparison.

In addition the Data Portal allows you to group your plants, to monitor connectivity and battery strength, and it provides a time-stamp of the last reported data.

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TreeTag Data

A TreeTag provides dendrometer data. This data represents the response of the plant to its environment, which can be interpreted to derive water stress/deficit information, as well as growth/vigor parameters.

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The Radio

The low-power long-range 900 MHz radio system connects the TreeTags to the ePlant cloud.

It can be expected to transmit data consistently over 1-3 miles, though any radio frequency range estimate is subject to obstructions and terrain.

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The Gateway

An indoor or outdoor gateway (depending on your needs) configured by ePlant will provide LoRaWAN connectivity to ePlantTreeTags.

The gateway requires power and an Internet connection which can either be via Ethernet or cellular networks.

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TreeTags can be mounted on any branch or main trunk.  For branch mounting, the signal will mostly represent the effects of the canopy downstream on that branch, so be sure the branch and canopy is typical for the tree.  Trunk mounting will integrate the effects of the canopy as a whole.

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Trees & Vine

TreeTags can be mounted to any tree or woody vine. It is recommended that the mounting point is over 1.0" (2.5cm)in diameter. While it is possible to install on smaller diameter trunks/branches, as the mounting point approaches  0.5" (1.25cm) in diameter, the mounting hole (i.e the.bore) would likely disrupt an impactful amount of tissue. Additionally, the mounting screw would protrude from the back of the tree, which might be an aesthetic consideration.  

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The ePlant TreeTag is a new wireless tree care device enabling users to monitor trees or vines from anywhere in the world. It is 3.5'' long, weighs just a few ounces, and mounts directly onto a tree or vine.

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The ePlant App

The ePlant app is used during the installation process to activate the TreeTags as they are installed. It also allows the user to view the current sensor measurements and to stop data collection.

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The TreeTag

The ePlant TreeTag is a new wireless tree care device enabling users to monitor trees or vines from anywhere in the world. It is 3.5'' long, weighs just a few ounces, and mounts directly onto a tree or vine. The onboard sensors include a dendrometer for measuring radial increment of the xylem and phloem (a good indicator of water status and growth), an accelerometer for progressive trunk lean (<0.1° resolution), a light sensor, thermometer, and hygrometer for capturing hyper-local environment conditions.Data from the TreeTag is wirelessly transmitted to an internet gateway up to several miles away where it is available to the user in near real-time. An onboard solar panel and hybrid capacitor power the device indefinitely, even under a dense canopy. TreeTags are low-maintenance, have an estimated 10 year lifespan, and allow researchers, growers, and other tree care professionals access to high resolution, plant-based data at a scale previously unfeasible.

TreeTag Data

The TreeTag is outfitted with five sensors to capture a complete picture of what is happening around the tree. The primary data stream is from the dendrometer. This data represents the response of the plant to its environment, which can be interpreted to derive water stress/deficit information, as well as growth/vigor parameters.  There is also a three-axis accelerometer, which is transposed into lean magnitude in degrees from vertical to monitor information on the stability of the tree. Additional sensors provide temperature, humidity, and light to capture the local environment.

The Data Portal

The Data Portal offers comprehensive functionality to manage and analyze your plant and TreeTag data. Easily view a list of your plants and their associated TreeTags, plot sensor data, and download data for specified periods. Want to see data from trees 1, 3, and 7 over the past 10 days? The Data Portal makes it simple to graph or download this data for further analysis and comparison.

Additionally, you can establish groups for your plants, monitor connectivity and battery strength, and view a time-stamp of the last reported data.

Installation and Mounting Location

Drill a hole in the tree to a depth of at least 1.5" (4cm).  Use a #28 or 9/64 drill bit.  Be sure to drill at right angles to the surface of the tree to ensure the dendrometer plunger is mostly flat/flush with the bark.  Also be sure to clear the chips as you drill, so the hole will be as smooth and clean as possible.  Thread in the mounting screw using a 1/4" driver so the threads are just slightly beneath the outer bark.  This ensures the dendrometer plunger is just slightly depressed when mounted on the screw.  Remove or wipe away any loose debris from the bark where the plunger will make contact.  Mount the tree tag to the screw, again using a 1/4"  nut driver.  Just a slight amount of tightness is required.  Use a manual driver for attaching the tree tag to avoid overtightening.

TreeTags can be mounted on any branch or main trunk.  For branch mounting, the signal will mostly represent the effects of the canopy downstream on that branch, so be sure the branch and canopy is typical for the tree.  Trunk mounting will integrate the effects of the canopy as a whole.  Most thin-barked trees need no bark preparation other than brushing away loose debris with a thumb.  For thick-barked trees, it could prove beneficial to remove some of the non-living bark from under the plunger head.  Do not remove so much that the phloem (wet and/or green tissue) is exposed, as this will affect the measurement and possibly induce a healing/callusing response in that area.  TreeTags do NOT require direct sunlight to fully charge, and north-side (northern hemisphere) mounting is preferred.  This is to keep the sensor OUT of direct sunlight as much as possible.  Direct sunlight exposure can cause the temperature sensor to read higher than ambient.

The ePlant App

The ePlant app is used during the installation process to activate the TreeTags as they are installed. It also allows the user to view the current sensor measurements and to stop data collection.

The Radio

The low-power long-range 900 MHz radio system connects the TreeTags to the ePlant cloud.

It can be expected to transmit data consistently over 1-3 miles, though any radio frequency range estimate is subject to obstructions and terrain.

The radio system is enhanced by an acknowledgment protocol that helps ensure data consistency, and the TreeTag will store up to one year of data, guarding against gateway or Internet outages.

A FUOTA (firmware update over the air) capability enables both bug fixes and feature enhancements without operator involvement.

Default data rate includes all sensor outputs every five minutes, uplinked every 20 minutes. One gateway is expected to handle traffic from several thousand devices.

The Gateway

An indoor or outdoor gateway (depending on your needs) configured by ePlant will provide LoRaWAN connectivity to ePlant TreeTags.

The gateway requires power and an Internet connection which can either be via Ethernet or cellular networks

Tree & Vines

TreeTags can be mounted to any tree or woody vine. It is recommended that the mounting point is over 1.0" (2.5cm) in diameter. While it is possible to install on smaller diameter trunks/branches, as the mounting point approaches  0.5" (1.25cm) in diameter, the mounting hole (i.e the bore) would likely disrupt an impactful amount of tissue.Additionally, the mounting screw would protrude from the back of the tree, which might be an aesthetic consideration.    

By The Numbers

TreeTag Specs

Dimensions (Height x Width)
98 x 29 mm
3.9 x 1.1 inch
Weight (Excluding Mount Screw)
51 grams
1.8 oz
Mounting Specifications
Required Driver (Mount and Retainer)
1/4 inch hex socket
Drill Diameter for Light Wood
1/4 inch
Drill Diameter for Dense Wood
19/64 inch
Minimum Hole Depth
38 mm
1.5 inch
Mounted Max Distance From Tree
50 mm
2.0 inch
Sensor Specifications
Dendrometer Resolution
0.001 mm (1 micron)
Dendrometer Measurement Range
10 mm
Dendrometer Range Between Stops
12 mm
Dendrometer Temperature Sensitivity
< 0.5 micron/ °C
Relative Humidity Resolution
Relative Humidity Measurement Range
Humidity Accuracy (Typical)*
Temperature Resolution
0.1 °C
Temperature Measurement Range
-10 to 82.4 °C
Temperature Accuracy (Typical)*
+/- 0.2 °C
Lean Angle Resolution
Lean Direction Resolution
Operating Temperature Range
-15 to 80 °C
Storage Temperature Range
-25 to 70 °C
*SHT30-DIS-F used for temperature and relative humidity. Detailed specifications available from